one was the grandson of josephus daniels. the driver of white supremacy during that summer of 1898 and ran a fake news campaign that incited white men to attack blacks. i spoke with him. my first job out of journalism school was there. i worked for mr. daniels. i worked there five years and had no idea his grandfather was involved in white supremacy. there were busts of him around. never mentioned white supremacy. in talking to the grandson and the grandson of another leader, they both -- their grandfathers were men of their time. that they reflected the beliefs of the time. during that period, it was accepted that black people were inferior to white people. they were performing a sort of public service in bringing the best people possible to government. seemed to me they rationalized the role of their grandfathers, even they are say, of course, it was wrong by today's standards. nobody would do anything like that today. you have to understand what the conditions and the environment was back in 1898. >> after this story began