so josephus daniels was the liberal's liberal of the first third of the 20th century. he was an adversary of corporate power. he was a, he was an exponent, always of more reform. whatever wilson was, he wanted to do more. he wanted to go faster. he was always worried that wilson was too cautious, so conservative. he gave franklin delano roosevelt his start. roosevelt's. he was the only man. what franklin delano roosevelt ever called boss when franklin delano roosevelt was assistant secretary of the navy josephus daniels, and promoted roosevelt in force, reward was appointed ambassador mexico during the aftermath of the mexican revolution, where he urged a very conciliatory approach to nationalization of american property and american oil companies, where he urged the mexican to authorize visas for -- fleeing europe and where he advocated he privately abdicated the states should arm the spanish republic, but at a minimum that mexico should open its doors to refugees. the spanish republic, a liberal liberal liberal in 1898, as a young newspaper editor, josephus daniels p