i'm josh davidson. i have the pleasure of cooking at mcateer high school, a school which the board saw fit to celebrate last spring when you awarded mina benitez, who works on my team, a rave award. we were very grateful for that. and i have to say, i'm not excited that this school now has a sword dangling over the head of all the students and the students notice. so please keep in mind, in the interest of providing some bold proposals that the district might consider to bust the status quo, i'm very excited that we're here. now let's try a year without anyone with director or executive director in their title and see how that goes. or maybe we could do a year without high priced personal services consultants. what do you think? right. we could actually give everybody their paychecks correctly and on time and see if that helps with retention. we could hire enough frontline staff to do all the work that needs to be done at the schools. or we could replace the board with the high school students who clear