pattinson, kyra sedgwick, from "pawn stars," rick and corey harrison and music from polica and josh doyle first guest is one of the few people on this or any planet who can say they've won both a peabody award and starred in the movie "soul plane." the weekend before last, he reunited with, and roasted, his ex-wife on comedy central. this wednesday, you can see him in the excellent new movie "hit and run," please welcome tom arnold. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> good, how are you doing, buddy? >> jimmy: doing good. you were very funny at that roast. >> well, thank you. >> jimmy: you did a great job, too. everyone seemed kind of shocked when you walked out there. >> well, it was shocking. yeah. i didn't know -- it came together at the last minute. >> jimmy: okay. >> when it first was announced, my publicist didn't even ask me, she said no way is tom doing it because she loves me. but in the back of my mind, i was like, well that would be fun. i've done other roasts, joan rivers and stuff. but i didn't have any passion for that one. >> jimmy: you weren't married to her