have you as our guest this evening and to listen to some words on this new book by our colleague josh freeman. i am the professor of anthropology and director of the research collaborative here at the grad center where josh spent a useful year in 2014, 2015 which partly, only partly helped produce the book. we have a little claim to helping this realization of this marvelous and important book. this book is intriguing because while everyone is talking about labor market polarization and the growth of the service sector and artificial intelligence and automation and so on, josh takes a somewhat different approach. his emphasizes the continued importance of large skill manufacturing of a massive kind. it looks like it justified the price that should have been charged over there. i urge you to purchase your copy as soon as possible. we are absolutely delighted that you are here with us. let me introduce steven greenhouse, correspondent of the new york times. mr. greenhouse is the preeminent labor correspondent in the united states. [applause] i looked briefly at all of these things and it's very