for more on trump's tariff policy and its economic effects, we go live to the white house with josh johnsonplause] josh. josh, what exactly is going on with these tariffs? >> kosta, this is nothing we haven't seen before. these economic decisions are smart, so everyone should stop throwing around the r-word! >> michael: recession? >> okay, everyone should stop throwing around both r-words. in fact, these tariffs are going to help out all my n-words. >> michael: your... your... >> my net gains, kosta. >> michael: right, of course. your net gains. >> hey! you're not an economist, that's not your word to say! point is, these tariffs are necessary. i've been talking to president trump and i can speak exactly to his intentions on tariffs. i mean, c'mon, y'all heard donald trump! he said during the campaign, we're doing this! it's an economic street fight. so you better get on board, because the pain is worth it to bring back manufacturing, even if it leads to higher prices. we are not backing down! >> michael: okay, but the american people don't like higher prices. >> then forget the whole thing