my name is josh lewsey i'm from miami florida. days one through nine and then on my second trip they are saturday coming back from miami right even take a little time off work so now we were here last night about one thirty two o'clock in the morning everybody was cleaning up getting ready for police to come bust this down basically seven o'clock and start cleaning and suddenly i ended up not happening for you elated were you excited what was the reaction when you realize that that eviction notice made it was nothing quite yet well i was really excited i mean first of all i'm happy that we can hopefully cop with some sort of a resolution or we can say here to some point that we have a right to protest the suspected and also really so the strength of our movement really important victory now there were course some marches are going on on the side today and there were some arrests josh i know that you witnessed something you tell us about it you know the risk for civil disobedience i saw. so police beat down a protester pretty badly