>> so this bee buster, also known as josh lopez, is an organic farmer. he was called to this chicken coop to get rid of thousands and thousands of bees. >> oh, boy. >> and he's using the ole smoke 'em out method. >> holy moly, look how many of them are under there when you lifts up that piece of wood. >> and he's not even scared. he's just like let me get a little smoke out and see what i can do. >> is he trying to rescue the bees or exterminate them? >> he's just trying to encourage them to leave. the smoking method makes them nervous so they start eating the honey that's in their bee hive. they think it's their home that's getting burned. so in eating all that honey, they get tired and groggy. that's why they get calm, so it makes it easier for this guy to come in and work with them. >> if this is your chicken coop, maybe you just decide to start raising bees instead of chickens because they're already there. >> think of the honey you could produce. >> at the very end you see him handling a very delicious piece of honey comb. >> is he going to eat that