. >> now josh sundquist reveals the secret. >> a lot of lycra. >> and finally a robot. >> a budding gymnast sticks it. >> somebody should have said, hey, mind the obstacle. >> okay. >> okay! >> what you got here is a camera attached to a runner. this is in south africa, a race that happened over the weekend. looks like a beautiful day, a rugged trail. >> it's about to be real rugged. >> ooh, that's a wildabeast. >> and it was not just one, it was a herd of wildabeast that came running out of the busch that came running toward this guy, he said almost flattened them. the runner was quite terrified. >> here they come. >> one, two, three, four, five. it looks like six, seven, eight, nine? >> yeah, that was a lot more than i initially thought. i saw like two or three. >> maybe this was just part of the race. it was one of of the obstacles you have to overcome to win. >> alligators, you have to like jump across. it's like a real life pit bull. >> steefr vphen fabian, where w you around 5:00 sunday morning? >> i was asleep. >> good, because this wasn't you. this may pass for stephen fabian, who i