across lass ratto point, you had the able lieutenant, albert ball, of joshua barney's men.ether by mary pinkersville and her daughters, also sewing that flag with them was a 13-year-old black indeny toured servant named grace wisher. this wasp very much an integrated defense, a baltimore defense. from many different people came one great nation. and the common thread that held those stars and stripes together, sewn together by black and white hands, defended by black and white lives, was the thread of human dignity. the dignity of home. the dignity of place. the dignity of neighbors helping and defending neighbors. the dignity of every individual. this is our story. this is a story worthy of a great people. and this is the story that we will tell together and sing together in the years ahead. thank you very, very much. >> what is a governor without a projeclamation? when i raise my hand i would like all of you to say "whereas." i would also like to thank the outstanding morgan state university choir for being here today. so here we go. >> whereas -- >> the united states fou