again, fire joshua cadillo. enough is enough. we will not stand for these murderers to continue on the streets. they're endangering the lives of youth in the city. youth of color. enough. we expect you to take this actin and the police commission to tae decisive action in reviewing his record and finding him accounta. thank you. >> vice president mazzucco: next speaker. >> hello. i help prepare this report. i have six copies here for the e commissioners and the chief. some of you already receive the copy. for those of you haven't, you he one. this was the one that was previously mentioned. the chief, the commission and te entire board of supervisors received copy of this document early 2017. it recommends what i would consr the conservative reform option r the department which is that chf scott, the dpa and this commissn engage to root out entire netwok of bad cops. including the president of the . as report mentions, this approah could mirror the reform processn dallas. it's not without precedent. hundreds of reforms being propo