and jesus is joshua prager, were you able to understand her turnaround?eah, i'm smiling only also because what's so fascinating is little by little she's learning. she learns the language of both sides. so at one point she said abortion is up covenant of death, and she did the exact same thing on the pro-choice side. well, what was really fascinating about norma? look she was very much. comfortable pledging herself to ideologies that were not her own and there was an enormous cost to her becoming pro-life. which was that she was also made to renounce her homosexuality, but she did have an opinion that was genuine and that was her own even though she didn't make it public. days after roe v wade in 1973. she was interviewed by a tiny baptist newsletter and in that newsletter. she says, you know what it's her first ever interview. i believe i'm thankful that my case has helped to legalize abortion, but i don't know if a person should ever have an abortion after the first trimester after that point. she says to this reporter, it strikes me that it is the taki