joshua switzky with department staff. so, this is a brief update on the central corridor plan process. we are now in phase ii of the planning process. phase i was comprised the last couple years in which we basically created the big vision, developed the strategies to fulfill the vision through proposals for zoning and height and public, ground improvements, that culminated with the publication of the draft plan which you now have the hard copy before you to read at your leisure. the plan was published in april. phase ii of the planning process is sort of twofold. one is the environmental analysis process, the notice of preparation for the e-i-r was published in april and that e-i-r is now commencing and that should take, as you know, some time, probably 18 months to get through the whole process about a year before we get the draft next spring. but during that process, while that's going on, we plan to keep this project on the front burner and continue to delve into the critical details of fleshing out the plan than reco