joshua vining. miguel carrera. tony -- homeless. mark leach. ivy -- and catherine. you may begin. >> i am a senior. i have been homeless for seven years. and for the seven years that i have been homeless, i have stayed most of the time -- this is a government place. i don't have very much experience in lying or dead, because i don't have the patience, and i know that the shelters are not very much safe for me. i have experiences as a four months ago. and so -- i prefer this -- i feel more safe. and so, i cannot offer very much about this because i did not experience that very much. and also, i sell flowers at night, in the north beach area so i can pay for my expenses. today i bring my flowers hoping that he will buy all of them so i did not have to go to work tonight, because i often finish work at 3:00 in the morning. i expect you to have a house -- so that my life will be better in the future. thank you. [applause] >> i am with the coalition of homelessness. i am angel, and i just want to speak in regards of dr. martin luther king and his memory. mr. lee said --