will create jobs and we need those is others, the ill this makes their job all the more difficult. josie anita and his friends are raising awareness with bar in neighboring trend casa, they want to inform locals. their argument is that lithium mining represents a dramatic encroachment on the natural world. not they see the moon to the full gobble. there's not been enough information about will still mean for people living close to the minus. the also, to some extent it fight is being pushed through behind people's back or leave us liberal blossom. 20 kilometers away and pin. yes. the mayor even has plans to sue the portuguese government. louis ventura says, just the years of preparatory exploration on 40 percent of the land unsettled investors, he expects europe to look for less aggressive alternatives. told us, i remember the ticket in we've yet. we all know how important timothy owners go for him. but we also know that there are other options without lithium. i thought it was the lead you. but we should continue to investigate those others. but cannot bulletin this 3rd thought a hug. we have