i see mom and dad samantha and joss i see harrison and baby harper ?g great so nice to have you back this is our daughter harper vail. >> wait. did you say harper vail. >> yes we needed a "v" name for her middle name. josh's mom name was virginia she passed away. so we picked vail. >> i love that >> and she looks like she was sleeping we woke her up sorry about that >> she is a sweet girl >> is she okay yeah, she's good oh, sweet baby >> i love that >> well, it's great to see you thank you so much for hanging with us. can we put our big board back up we want to say hi to everybody you see the divine family. who else is up there bartletts in the house 50 looks good. thank you for hanging with us. and remember, everyone, come join us. come to our virtual plaza. >> the hardest part is waking up you know, you can do that. we get to see your beautiful faces so thank you so much go to today.com/mytodayplaza it's on the internet just use your dial-up modem. it's great >>> coming up next, it's time to file tax day. few months later than normal stephanie ruhle