detect jourdain belonged to a class of mixed-race men and women unique to the gulf coast. although the term creeole had different meanings in different societies, in clone cal louisiana, anyone born in the colony was called a creeole. over time, louisianans, black and white, who identified with french language and chullchure and feareding with loverwhemmed by the people arriving in new rleans after the louisiana purchase, they considered themselves to be cosmopolitan gentlemen and ladies. they looked to paris for aesthetic inspiration. they bore silk pants and fine jackets. they defined silver utensils. built their homes with books, studied classical literature, formed exclusive ma sonic lodges and grew inspiration from the french revolution. they included painters, sculptors, doctors, merchants nd skilled art sans. louisiana afro creoles held almost 60% of the real estate. creoles of color took great ride in the franco phone y dentedity they shared with whites. they relished wine, food served with rich sauces and french colonial arc deck chure. they attended plays, cock f