. >> jourdan urbach reaches out with music. he brings his talent as a violinist to children in hospitals. [ mid-tempo music plays ] [ crowd cheering ] neha gupta reaches out with books. at 16, she has already spent several years helping orphaned children in india. jourdan and neha are recent winners of the world of children youth award. the prize money they received helps support the great work they're doing. >> the world of children youth award recognizes a young person, under 21, who is doing amazing work for children. >> for neha, the award means she'll be able to help even more children struggling to survive without parents. the pennsylvania teen learned of their desperate needs while visiting her grandparents in india. >> so i went back to the u.s., and i gathered my friends, started fundraising to buy them books and whatever else they may need. an progressed into founding a nonprofit organization called "empower orphans." >> over the years, her organization has funded libraries, computer labs, medical visits, as well as f