we jova a mack truck over that. -- drove a mack truck over that. compromise in terms of the big-ticket items will not work. you start to see the stock market get edgy. maxine waters says, the days of deregulation, deregulating markets are done. now the markets are getting frothy. tois not clear we are going continue the positive attitude. the free market system has fed the chinese. china's growth and india's they were making about $1000 a year. now they are up to $10,000 a year. the biggest transformation in history. you can reverse that. if you get a negative view of downer to teach kids. is not morallyb, good. it is not worthwhile. you should not prepared to go to work. prepare your education, have a calling, that is a challenge we are facing. we will see if the democrats can be a little more positive on business. >> you have seen it as a teacher in the classroom and now washington. why is it hard to curb government pending? >> -- spending? >> it is increasingly hard because people are not willing benefitsinstantaneous in the short term. the prot