jovan bozhinoski is a mountain guide and also active in friends of sharr.ys the timber thieves sometimes fell trees and they just leave them lying around in the forest. shepherds are natural allies of the conservationists, as they have a vital interest in preserving the forests and meadows -- and keeping an eye on illegal logging. the friends of sharr platform emphasizes the importance of "monitoring." nasser xhemaili is a sheep farmer. he used to take visitors on hikes until the pandemic hit. on the terrain up here, four-wheel drive vehicles are of no use. friends of sharr see great potential in gentle tourism. nasser xhemaili and his brother have five thousand sheep. the ewe's milk cheese they make is famous throughout the region. their entire business depends on the preservation of the natural habitat. >> i would totally welcome a national park in shar planina. that's why i support the initiative. >> nasser xhemaili and his brother inherited the farm from their parents -- and have since expanded its operations. they employ 25 shepherds. during the season