he took a plate in to jovanna. he took a plate with different pancakes made in to susan.hortly after that, susan began to not feel well. susan laid down, and josh sort of suggested to jovanna that it was time for her to leave. >> he was going to take the boys sledding, and he and the boys actually drove out before i had finished putting on my seat belt. >> my brother finally called. right away asked about the kids. asked about susan. he was like, yeah, the kids are here, no, susan's not with me. i was like, where is she? he was like, i don't know, i have no idea. >> josh drives all the way way south to a place called point the mountain, and he places a phone call to susan's phone. >> hello, susan. we are on our way back. and -- i can't believe that -- i don't know where my brain is today, i thought today was sunday. that was really, really stupid. i'll talk to you later, okay, bye. >> josh had taken the children on a middle of the night camping trip. it was freezing cold. none of this makes any sense. he said that he left susan in the house. she was sleeping. >> we really