pbs news hour weekend is made possible by, judy and josh west ton, joyce b. hail, the wallack family in memory of wallack, bernard and i ryan schwartz, the city foundation, corporate funding is provided by mutual of america designing customized individual and group retire the products, that's why we're you're retirement company. additional support is provided by, and by the corporation for public broadcasting and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you, thank you. from, tish lincoln studios, harhari sreeivas sreeivasan. >>> in search of a deal to curve iran's nucleeuclear programs. today's talks continued late into the night with no agreement reported. margaret warner will join us from geneva with much more in a few minutes. >>> in aftghanistan he will stik to the plan to finalize a security talk after elections there next april. the u.s. wanted the deal done before the end of this year. the new pact will determine if american groups remain in afghanistan beyond 2014 in a non-combat role and if americans were responsible for a raid. >>> in pakis