joyce zhang: yes. commissioner fewer: yes. commissioner maufas: yes. commissioner wynns: no. >> six ayes. [applause] president yee: now that he successfully have gained a charter, we are going to have to continue the meeting. if you like, you can stay for the whole meeting. but if you would like to leave, please leave quietly, so we can proceed. this is still a long meeting. the next item will be 126-12 f p one, adoption of the fiscal year 2012/2013 budget. >> give them a couple of minutes. president yee: no. nobody has to hear. ok. i guess we can proceed, now that they are leaving so quietly and not having a discussion. thank you very much. this item has already been moved and seconded on june 12. the budget was discussed at length at the board, by the board, by last week's special meeting. it is now before us for action. before us is the superintendent's representative. it is the deputy superintendent. >> thank you, superintendent. this is the adoption of fiscal year 2012/2013 recommended budget. should i read this whole thing? i will read selects ch