i am here to talk to the cultural curator and joyner of atlanta includes everything to find out. >> i the popular phrase and shirt. >> you it sounded like a very atlanta thing, sounds like a lot of -- a bunch of slashes and your business. to you also d.j.? >> no, but there was a d.j. in the store. >> there is always a d.j. there is always a d.j. okay. we've been talking about this question for decades, as black people who live in atlanta or who are from atlanta, is atlanta a black utopia? >> i don't know if i would say utopia. we still in america. black mecca, black utopia, wakanda, it is a place where black people are comfortable. >> right. >> utopia makes it seem like you know, it needs no crime, ain't no problems, you understand? >> it is interesting because where your store is, we are at city market, but you know and i know for a long time, on this backstreet come of the street used to be very sketchy. >> it's crazy you say that because the other piece of that, the name of the kroger that was right here. >> yeah, i know y'all call it. it is murder kroger. we don't care. and when t