it is he and his wife jozefa who will lay here incredible in its beauty, the palace park ensemble, which of the polish royal residence of the authorities, the construction of the estate, by analogy with famous architectural masterpieces, was very fashionable at that time to know. here, a local undertook the construction of a whole complex, which, in addition to the master's house, included a greenhouse, a stable, a barn. well, the outbuildings of the horse manege and, of course, the park, one can only guess. how much money was spent on the construction of the palace alone; it was built in the classical style with numerous columns, arched windows, pelasters, decorated with rich stucco and openwork lattices, the interior decoration was also not inferior in beauty to the exterior. they say every fireplace. this palace was original with its own plot. these fireplaces. they even called stoves fairy tales, because they were lined with french tiles, each of which had its own special pattern. the floors were parquet walls, decorated with frescoes. all this decoration, carved furniture, as well a