the assassination plot on jp o&qk morgan jr. jp morgan jr.a consortium of banks that are lending over $900 million to the allies, to russia, france, and largely england. and walter nicoli and van ritalin are going to stop this. and the way to stop these loans, which are funding the allied war is to get rid of jp morgan jr. but that brings them to find the perfect person to do this, which turns out to be a man by the name of eric munter. in 1906 eric munter is a professor at harvard. he is teaching german there and is also expecting his second child. but his wife is having a difficult pregnancy. he leaves his harvard office everyday, he goes home to see her and he spoon feeds her every night this special broth that he's made to help her through this difficult pregnancy and/+ he's a very solicitous husband. the neighbors talk about how much he cares about his wife. the nurses report him. oh, professor munter, he cares so much about her. and despite her illness, she is able to give birth and everything seems okay but then four days afterwards sh