so in january of 2025 the jpa board resolved to terminate the jpa agreement since the project at that point was no longer viable to dissolve the jpa and conduct wrap up activities of the jpa board resolution in february must be ratified by 75% of the member agency boards of which again san francisco has one. and then going forward in the march there would be various wrap up activities including you know there is some money left over from from the planning that money has been put in by everybody. san francisco for example, has put about $4.5 million into the planning process and so we will be getting some money back from that. so we'll see how that actually plays out. so again this is a project that looked good on paper for a while but as you got into the issues there was just not enough support and people willing to invest in it over time particularly contra costa given the risk. so the status for us you know basically as we talked about earlier, we removed this from the f y 26 to 3510 year capital improvement program which you know reduced the size of the capital program not because,