i have been serving the community for over 20 years in the jordan park improvement association, jpia, which puts me in touch with my neighbors. jpia is also one of 48 neighborhood organizations and the coalition for a san francisco neighborhood, csfn, and it afford me a ability to work with citizens, [speaker not understood]. i am a housewife with diverse interests. i started by volunteering in the public schools and i am a product of the public schools. i wanted to work with the youth in this city because it is our future and they are our future. i would love to see more youth involved to be apprentice to even work on greening projects such as the one i am currently working on with rec and park on a very sustainable plant restoration project. rec and park's volunteer director has been wonderful in signing up folks from larkin street youth, one work, et cetera. through making contacts with people with various ethnic backgrounds, cultures and disabilities, as well as the elderly, i think about being sensitive to these people's differences. it is also about coming to understand their ph