gerri: didn't we see that with jpmoan chase? they made the big a big bet and lost a ton of dough? >> exactly. you can consider regulators are trying to take a more holistic approa -- pardon me for using outward. gerri: if they only knew how. they are so far away from what really goes on in these prints. it's hard for them to even understand businesses. how likely do you think it is that we will have another bailout? >> i think that obviouslwhen we have the next crisis, certainly the question will be when interest rates go up what will happen? it also raises the question to your point, is this the right approach or should the banks be broken up? the question, of course, if you have a good markets? the idea that we don't have monopolies, or do we have faith in regulators? even good-faith regulators don't have crystal balls in a shirt on. gerri: and you coming for coming on, we really enjoy what you have to say. this is the report that should get more attention. thank you so much for bringing it to us. >> my pleasure be one earlr i told you about mortgages for the using market. home