. >> chairman brown, britished members, i i appreciate the opportunity to talk about jpmorganchase, theple, the businesses and the communities we serve we are living through unprecedented times which history will judge the leaders of government and industry by the actions we take to address the health and economic crises and long standing structural inequities at jpmorganchase we entered from a position of strength and leveraged our size and scale to contribute to stability in our country and ongoing support for the real economy our customers, employees and communities impacted by the global crisis. in 2020 we extended credit and raised capital totaling $2.3 trillion for consumers and businesses of all sizes helping them meet payrolls, avoid layoffs and support operations we delayed payments for credit card accounts and refunded $120 million in fees for more than 1 million customers no questions asked. we funded over 400,000 paycheck protection loans to small businesses, supporting over 3 million jobs for more than 40 billion in total funded. about 90% went to businesses with fewer than