through, not too quickly, does a little bit of a jump there but then coming along behind him, juan manuel silva and his team he's from argentina, coming at a rather hi. the front digs in and -- >> whoa! >> still going. in fact we've got another angle of it. watch how high some of these tires go flying. they're flying up in the air. >> did that just fall apart? >> the body panels are designed to fall off. the wheels you're probably seeing are the spares they carry with them. >> that little ditch there, it was a shallow stream but it actually turned out to be five feet deep and they're going about 100 miles an hour so of course everybody comes around to make sure they're okay but of course at the same time this is a race. there are the people and there are the people with the wrong pace like these guys who come along just a few seconds later. and they go flying as well tumbling through the air and catching fire as well. this is why the dakar is so dear and why it's so deadly. fortunately, no serious injuries or broken bones. a couple guys are banged up a little they're under observation, but ever