juceam, you are asked to call police. -- if juceam, you are asked to call police. the crowding season is -- if you see him, you are asked to call police. the krasting season is off to a slow start. -- crabbing season is off to a slow start. the number of females is down, and they are not sure if it is because they have moved out of the area or if it was because of the extremely wet fall and winter. this is one of baltimore city's six park pool. it will be open on weekends and holidays and an open full time on june 23. a dip in the cool sounds like a good idea today. it was humid and hot out there. >> it was really muddy. clouds moved in late this afternoon. thunderstorm activity to our north, but temperatures did get up to 90 degrees before clouds dropped in and dropped a couple of temperatures. -- a couple of degrees. this does not extend below the mason-dixon line. some of that stuff is drifting southward. the northern tier counties in maryland could see some of that storm activity. it will diminish, but it may drift down below t maryland/pennsylvania line and af