they decide to bring down their original charges and ask for a plea deal in stat that at least a judge bennett could see through this flaky case of the government right against eric but it scolded the justice department for their actions saying that he was appalled by the time lapse between when drake's house was first first raided over two years ago until when he was charged and he claimed that it did not pass the smell test and he's right as time went on it became very clear came bush and then a team obama were going to go after anybody who put the government in a bad light even an n.s.a. employee who merely shared information of government waste with the press and despite the fact that he didn't leak any classified information that could damage national security obama want to set a president to keep anybody else from trying to do the same by the federal courts saw through the government's pulling out herds stop them in their tracks saving an innocent man from spending decades behind bars for a crime meeting commit to harry how to folks a true glimmer of hope the team obama is at war and whi