judge brinkema herself a knowledge a strong message had to be sent, that secrets must be kept. apparently, that only applies to people were trying to reveal government abuses and illegalities because all of the people in the white house and the cia revealed classified information of undercover activities to the maker of the hollywood film ""zero dark thirty" have done so with impunity and with lavish praise for the >> weight, can you say specifically what you're talking about? >> specifically, the white house and the cia were very involved in the making of "zero dark thirty," which pretends to be some kind of neutral film that implies torture led to the capture of osama bin laden, which it absolutely did not. in that process, a high-level defense department official, michael vickers, reveal the identity of an undercover special operations command officer, but was not held to account for that. the cia revealed numerous classified pieces of information, including sources and methods. so when the united states talks about the sanctity of keeping secrets that the judge and multiple