two pennsylvania judges have made a killing out of juvenile prisoners mark ciavarella and michael conahan were convicted of receiving kickbacks for more than two million dollars from the developers of several private detention centers but the real crime according to parents is that these judges then sent more than five thousand children to those various facilities for crimes as small as finding on a school bus or posting a parody of their teacher on the web site is. a god the size of sandy fonzo seventeen year old son edward was a bloody student and sportsman when he was arrested at an under-age party judge ciavarella locked him out for six months shortly after he got out edward committed suicide and never looked into you know the whole picture of the kids like i said he wind them up one by one and sometime away she. sent them to places. you know god knows what went on and then he throws them barack and how does a kid you know my son just never recover from it eric's the fonz he was twelve when judge ciavarella sent him to jail for two years for scratching his mom's car while george writi