he got out edward committed suicide eric stefanski was twelve when judge ciavarella sent him to jail for two years for scratching his mom's car while joy writing for this young man who was a teenager was locked up for months for throwing a piece of steak it is mom's boyfriend so i really cannot believe that being accused of something like through a stick was all that was needed to be for the way the case of the two pennsylvania judges in bed with local private prisons could be just the case of the iceberg a recent report revealed america's largest prison corporations poor hundreds of thousands into the campaigns of governors state legislators and judges in the hope of advancing their agenda and it seems to be working the number of private prisons in the us is growing rapidly all their money every penny that is a taxpayer dollar that they get from the government and so what they do is they get bigger put money from the government the house prisoners and later around and and spend some of the back of the politicians push the was and the policies we did were people grocery war people be