here and get rid of the risk or you can do the same if you're a fool buyer a processor like judge general mills or kellogg's or coast and you can lock in the priced of the grain nonce ahead of when you actually need to buy it so that when you actually do go buy it if prices are much higher you've got it bought already at a much lower price. these contracts do not remain inert they are bought and sold by profiteers and a contract might swap hands dozens of times before it expires for example buyers purchase contracts for wheat at a low price if the price we close up they have made a profit. we're transferrin risk whole purpose of the exchange is to transfer risk from people that have it's like farmers and don't want it for people like myself speculators to take the risk because if you take a risk and you're right to make money course if you are wrong you lose money. since two thousand and six big players have begun to appear at the sick how the brain model. now they're not only traditional players of the pits but also managers of huge financial institutions that until a few years ago showed no i