is room to look at the differences between those candidates -- not just in what plans they are a judgeg, but as would noted, and how they're going to prioritize pushing them forward. going back to joe biden's point, when we look at prioritization and how we trust candidates to act on climate change, going to a fundraiser the next they with a cofounder of' a company is not a good look. , you areafa ali formally with the epa. people not refer to the epa as the epa that once was, but you quit under president trump. your deeply involved in environmental justice movement, now vice president of the national wildlife federation. can you talk about what was raised? and particicularly talk about hw the candidates diverged on how they will deal with the fossil fuel industry. stated before, it was a good start butut there were a number of areas that t we really need too hear much more about list of especially -- let me start off with saying in the first presidenential debate that happened, it was like 7200 seconds and the words "environmental j justice" were never mentntioned the fifirst t. the e