more than a century ago, the judicial noble bank was located here in the kobrin district. eight landlord in constant need of loans. today , heartfelt vows of the newlyweds are heard here and marriage certificates are issued. have you ever heard about the errors of perception inherent in the human eye, so this particular building is able to outwit the eye due to the high classical columns, it seems truly monumental, but in fact, it cannot boast of vast areas inside. the structure, as you can see, is designed in a classical style and has been decorating their city for so long that, as faina said ranevskaya has the right to independently choose whom to impress, and who not i go wandering along the zamkova bulana banking, a step, another in history, suddenly i managed to visit sennaya square and the commandant’s and july 11 squares and was even called in pure soboltsev, and in 1987 year, when the year celebrated its 700th anniversary, local residents began to make a leisurely promenade already along the square of the 700th anniversary, kobrin, however, less than 20 years have passed since ev