sarah mall borah, rose hill some, -- hilsome, lyn aich, judith flynn. >> i am the president of the merchant extension trying to association, located directly across juniper. merced extension triangle office taken a position not opposed to a moderate redevelopment of parkmerced. we are definitely opposed to the height and bulk of the proposed project. what is planned is a development going to 8900 units come up with a projection of 16,020 bedrooms, which equates to a population anywhere between 25,030 thousand residents when completed. i have copies of the state earthquake investigation report from the april 19 earthquake. i want to read briefly from it. an old railroad trestle that crosses the northern end of parkmerced was badly wrecked. the bid was broken into pieces and was out of line at both ends. the direction of the offsets is very nearly due north-south. at one point, the break was shelved 14 feet past the other section. the west and failed to join the section at the west bank by six to 7 feet. the west section that remained with the bank was from 4 feet to 5 feet lower vertically t