he spoke with judith yaphe of the national defense university on c-span's "after words." >> host: welcome to "after words," and welcome especially vali nasr. it's a treat for me to see after a long time away. it's great to have you here, and i have to tell you i did enjoy your book for very different reasons, but i will go to that but it wanted to thank you very much for coming in today. vali nasr is with us. is the dean of the school of advanced international studies at johns hopkins and author of the book "the dispensable nation" which i have here. vali nasr is an iranian american public will commentary, scholar of contemporary islam in the middle east. he has breached president, congress, many influential and non-influential people. he was born in tehran in 1960 and his family came to the united states having left iran after the revolution. he has a bachelors from tufts university, a masters degree from a fletcher school of law and diplomacy at tufts and earned his ph.d in political science from mit. 100 i will go through your long list of accomplishments. they are special but i would