many jududs orr simone simoe of signs and everyone on the run around al dente cables all bloody like been leveled playing things the philippines is now the president [inaudible] new york. great rates on an enemy he saw some of that loss on the street. it has to have to do as they say something and i and our have any at the president. is concerned or ports. presenters insistence on the legislation to the little of the film the long march was. on monday he sees a rebel yell as a lame lame hundred thousand lives found on the the country. for r a lot a lot to send sensibly legislation follow business line [inaudible] legislation forces [inaudible] sounds more [inaudible] ssa. after congress lucy south a little bit of the deal represents how to how they forgot online sells overseas last monday study greek friend brendan. there no data is discuss sets it is was widely expected to have talks. at least two people have been killed doesn't. to truck truck collided. and and it's illegally these lies a legislation call cost retreats allowed last one of one of truck trust. level. business includi