first, the witness who testified clarence elkins threatened judy johnson's life during a telephone callclaimed judy called 911 to report the threat to police. but there was no evidence judy johnson ever called 911. >> the 911 call should have been logged. it was obvious no such phone call had been made. >> and they also discovered that the coroner took vaginal swabs from judy johnson during in the autopsy. on those swabs, lab tests found a substance called acid phosphatase, an enzyme found in the male prostate gland. but those swabs were never tested for dna. >> to be fair, technology in forensic science is constantly improving. >> six years after the murder, melinda elkins received permission from the court to test the swab taken from her mother's autopsy. the forensic lab was able to identify a dna profile from that swab. as melinda always claimed, the dna did not belong to clarence elkins. >> we knew at that point that clarence elkins was innocent. we didn't know the name of the true perpetrator, but we knew his dna profile. >> so for the second time, melinda elkins petitioned the co