my name is judy kumer and my husband and i live across from the 2526 california street with our three children and moved in a couple of months ago and bought the home recently and as you imagine we were interested in the new construction project that would be across the street and had numerous meetings with john strickland and reviewed the buildings. he's always been open and community minded and listened to our concerns and as mentioned before he was responsive in the design changes to address those concerns and we feel the result is a building that is compatible to the neighborhood and properly size in scale and thoughtful and considerate of the neighbors. the setback and prevents a looming feeling on perine place which was a concern we have. the midblock open space gives a feeling of smaller separate homes versus one giant ugly apartment building which is something we were also concerned about so we felt that john didn't have to give up valuable square footage. we know how much it costs to live in the city and he did that because of our concerns and treated like a residential stree