reporter judy miller for credulous reporting that she did that helped lead us into war in fact it wasn't fox news that led us to war more than any other media outlet in the united states it was the new york times that led us to war but michael gordon another palace court journalist he just by palace court i mean somebody who just he basically neal's before power and repeats what they tell him and michael gordon had written several of those same offending articles with judy miller and he's still there talking as a matter of fact about iran nuclear weapons program nobody knows for sure if they have one he's writing about it as a matter of fact this is a big problem because our biggest media the media that is most important for shaping opinion is still not getting things right or being careful enough they're still basically slaves to power in the u.s. that means basically governments and corporations and if i go to jeff i mean i don't want to ask you to be a foreign policy expert here ok but if we just put her. ok do you think. the blog sphere is mature enough that if the right wanted to go