and judy rebick, canadian activist and writer. founder of, one of canada's leading independent news websites. we welcome you both to democracy now! judy rebick, your assessment of this upset victory? did you predict that justin trudeau would win? and tell us who he is actually, i did. i wrote a column on saturday and i kind of warned that this liberal rise that we just saw happen very quickly, as you pointed out, the three parties were very, very close until about two weeks ago, and then we started to see a slow rise and in the last week, we saw a rapid rise, especially in quÉbec for the liberals have not one in quÉbec in 20 years. in fact, justin's father won there. liberally did warn majority. the reason i say that, although we are all happy to see the back end of harper -- really, kind of giddy about this morning -- nevertheless, the liberals have a long history of running on the left and governing from the right. so i would have preferred to see a minority liberal government. now who trudeau is, as we all know, he is