. >> judy sa mora not only gives him money, but visits regularly despite the beating she suffered atrd's hands, which led to his current incarceration. >> hello. >> who do you want to see? >> galliard. we talk to each other pretty much every day on the phone. i come to see him every week. okay, thank you. >> he obviously has issues, but i do care about him and i do love him. >> sa mora says she expects to be called to testify at galliard's trial on charges including kidnapping and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. >> i've got to play nice because of the situation. and do i harbor ill will or hard feelings towards her, i did initially, and there's still a little animosity of course, because i'm in here. but i don't blame her for it. and i forgive her for it. just like she forgives me for doing that. >> what's up? >> did you shave your head? >> yep. can you tell? >> as far as us talking about what happened, he says he's ashamed of it, doesn't want to talk about it. but i do want to talk about it. >> sa mora a says she and galliard agreed he would try to get into an anger managem