but most of us are i'm a little i'm a little confused here doctors are saying don't do this in fact judyth tarver she's vice president of the hungary and labor union of doctors said doctors find it in comprehensible how there can be a communication about a reopening so soon just when we should be talking about tightening and how to improve a different system curves i understand the idea of using a different strategy where i don't understand is why is there gap between what the government is doing and what so many doctors are saying. right or you say that many but not all and very definitely better strategies are being formulated ear is it's not only the health care element actually which is going to cost to the region and a hospital system is. carrying the burden it is carrying we have to figure out there was actually who were lost their jobs so i think restarting the economy is another must and also to demand all health of hungary and who because of the restrictions not being able to go to school being able to go to work because that you have to take care of their children a new strategy