this morning, i spoke to the australian prime minister julia gillard to send condolences of everyone in this house and everyone in the country for the appalling floods and damage that has been done in queensland, and to say the we are all thinking of ross and the australian people. >> mr. hanson. >> to take robust action on a banker bonuses. given that he has broken his first promise and is now reneging on his second, why should we trust anything that he says again? >> the reason we have had to put up a value added tax is because of the complete and utter mess we were left by the government, whom the right honorable john almon supported. i know they are now in denial about this, but the fact is, we had one of the biggest budget deficits in the g-8, one of the worst records on debt anywhere you could mention. we had to take action, and the reason we can all discuss, taxes and baker's bonuses, and we are not lining up behind greece and ireland for a pillow is because of the action the government took. -- for a bailout is because of the action the government took. >> in my constituency,