joining me right now are the young actors you saw, julia gorman, one of the activeses and dr.ichael grogan, the director of the jeanette prandi children's center. along with them, ed berberian, the marine county -- marin county district attorney. i want to thank you all for being here to talk about the subject. it's interesting because it's really hard to get statistics about this. before we even get tho that, dr. grogan, you and your colleagues decided to come up with this because you saw a real problem in your county. >> correct. i run a children center where we interview children who are sexually abused and there were girls that came in, 13, 14, 15, were using electronic media and super charged their relationship and these girls ended up being raped as a result of their contact with perpetrators. so myself and john from the district attorney's office wrote a script as a way to combat and address this issue. >> you used students to do this? >> we put the script together and then went to the san marin drama program and linda took it on and the students did it. did a great job