however, julia krueger of google says this doesn't necessarily mean shopping habits are transitioning to online- only. "they want to feel confident about what they're buying, and feel like they are getting a good value. so not everybody looks for the lowest price, but very often they want to feel good about the price they are paying. so even if it's within a few dollars, it may be a better purchase for someone to buy it locally or to be able to know that they can get it today if they decide to buy at a physical store." kreuger says some of the most searched gifts for kids this holiday season are leap pad tablets, build-a-bear, and g.i. joe. for adults, searches are up for tablets, laptops and engagement rings. fedex workers serving as santa's little helpers this year will have tough sledding this week. the delivery company expects today will be a record- breaker, with 19 million packages being shipped and delivered. 300,000 employees, plus 20,000 seasonal workers, are on standby to make sure gifts make it by christmas. having a bestseller benefitted all the employees at random house p